This website is dedicated to helping you find truth, the real Truth found in the Word of God. We will endeavor to do this by providing you with free Bible-based media in multiple formats.
Easily keep track of student grades and average. This Microsoft Excel template gives you the ability to track scores for up to 4 grades and up to 15 students per grade. Designed for schools using 4 marking periods in the year.
Simple, intuitive classroom scheduling. Layout your classroom schedule with ease. At a glance, analyze your day with assigned work, lesson numbers and personal notes all in one place.
Building websites is a passion of mine. My focus is designing and building websites for clients that convert leads to customers. Identifying the customers need, building a lead funnel, and establishing a primary Call to Action are a must for websites I build.
~ Photography ~
Adobe Stock
Browse my collection and purchase digital copies of my favorite photos on Adobe Stock.